The term during which some position is held.
Time limit for a politician holding a given position (sometimes renewable)
Examples for "office term"
Examples for "office term"
1It is a booking- office term- awordmade necessary by the exigencies of vaudeville commerce.
2Then the ruling party had the idea of prolonging the presidential office term from five to seven years.
3When she kicks off her new office term, she will now be the most senior member of the city council.
4Indefinite Leave to Remain is the official Home Office term.
5In critical and box- office terms, animation is already giving "real" pictures a run for their money.
1What rank does your state hold with respect to length of term?
2Term.-Thelength of term of legislators usually depends upon the frequency of sessions.
3The length of term frees the members from the fear of immediate punishment in case of an unpopular verdict.
4One county judge, term is six years: in a few counties there are special judges; same length of term.
5The court also has the power to direct the length of term and other conditions, as well as appropriate compensation.
1Payday lenders should provide a clear "pounds and pence" cost for any potential loan, plus the payment rate and the term length.
2Given the term lengths, it is safe to predict that every new presidential administration will bring with it a new Board.
3Date ranges Each country has different term lengths for presidents and prime ministers and leaders may not always serve a full term.
1The term of office is not the same in all the states.
2Mr Lyons' term of office expires at the end of this month.
3In 1904 Theodore Roosevelt was re-elected for a second term of office.
4The organization introduced during his term of office is thus shown graphically:
5What is the term of office of the auditor of public accounts?
6During Polk's term of office three states were admitted to the Union.
7During Cleveland's second term of office still another state entered the Union.
8By whom should they be appointed, and for what term of office?
9Who secured a second term of office for my master, President WILSON?
10The term of office in no department exceeded the limit of five years.
11Expenses shall be defrayable for the duration of a Member's term of office.
12Consequently, his whole term of office was wasted in quarrels with the Legislature.
13We've never had a president there during his term of office.
14She succeeds Pat Moylan, whose term of office ended in 2013.
15The term of office in most States is four, six, or eight years.
16Mathur had stepped down as chairman after completion of his term of office.
Translations for term of office